Mediocre Inventions

Mediocre Inventions


If you have any questions about the articles or would like to leave a comment, feel free to send me an email at [email protected]


You can find a sample of some of my other projects at my public GitHub page: There are projects build with Java, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and Bash (scripts).

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Mediocre Inventions

This website is for documenting my experiments with different combinations of technology stacks. These are step-by-step articles so that anyone can follow through and re-create the projects that I have made.

So far I have covered a few topics about Ruby on Rails, React, and web application hosting options. Hosting topics include AWS, Heroku, Nginx and Apache. There are also tutorials for setting up WordPress websites and articles that walk through web application basics. Links to these tutorial series can be found on the menu at the top of the page.

7. Rails on Nginx, Puma, and PostgreSQL

Intro In this article, we will deploy our Ruby on Rails application on a Ubuntu 18.04 server with Nginx (web server) and Puma (application server). We will also use PostgreSQL as our database and Rbenv to help us store sensitive information. Rbenv helps us store sensitive information (such as database …