7. Rails on Nginx, Puma, and PostgreSQL

Intro In this article, we will deploy our Ruby on Rails application on a Ubuntu 18.04 server with Nginx (web server) and Puma (application server). We will also use PostgreSQL as our database and Rbenv to help us store sensitive information. Rbenv helps us store sensitive information (such as database …

3. Ruby on Rails Authentication

Note:A more detailed article on this topic can be found here: https://www.nopio.com/blog/authentication-authorization-rails/ Intro If you have followed through the previous article, then we should now have a basic API for our Books. Since our website now has functions, we should add authentication features so users can sign up and login. …

2. Creating the Ruby on Rails API

Intro Now that we have the environment setup, we can finally start building our API for the web application. This article will go through how to create a basic REST API for perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Start Lets start by creating the home page. Generate files needed …

1. Setting up Ruby on Rails Environment

Intro In this series of tutorials, we will go through how to build a Rails application with authentication/authorization. We will briefly go over what each function does and set up a bare-bones application template to use with React.js.This particular article will focus on just setting up the environment so that …